Reunite the child of Anila Kumar and Gurvinderjit Kaur with his famliy

Til: Oslo Barnevern

Norwegians and International Activists join Indians in urging Indian Government to save Indian child in Norway

We, the undersigned citizens and residents of Norway, relatives of victims in Norway and activists from around the world, are writing to express our support for your intervention in the matter of the 5-year-old only child of Anil Kumar and Gurvinderjit Kaur who has been snatched by Barnevernet in Oslo, Norway last week.
Barnevernet, the Norwegian child protection authority has for many years been wrongly taking children from loving parents in Norway.
The reasons are incompetence, overbearing officials, lack of transparency, inadequate judicial oversight, and, in cases involving cultural and religious minorities, prejudice and racism.
Some of us have ourselves been victims of Barnevernet. We have been campaigning against Norway’s cruel child protection regime for years and this year alone there have been protests every month against Barnevernet attended by hundreds in cities around Norway. Supporting protests have been held in many countries around the world, including the United States of America, Russia, Australia, Brazil, Romania, Czechia, Lithuania and India.
We appreciate India’s earlier efforts in saving Indian children from Barnevernet and highlighting the human rights abuses of Barnevernet in Norway. We urge you to spare no effort in enabling the child of Anil Kumar and Gurvinderjit Kaur to be reunited with his family in Norway or repatriated to India where he can be brought up by his extended family in the country and culture of his origin, and to which he has been used since birth. This is his right under both Norwegian law and international law.

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